Michał Kluczkowski
Michał Kluczkowski
A graduate of the Medical Academy in Gdansk. Since 2008 he has been associated with the Impladent MDC Clinic. He focuses his interests on the professional hygienization of the implant patient. Passionate about modern prevention, surgery and periodontology. Thanks to many years of experience in assisting in implantological procedures and knowledge gained during professional work, he is constantly moving to perfection. Participant and lecturer of many trainings, congresses and courses in the field of prophylaxis, implantology, periodontics and surgery both at home and abroad. Editor-in-chief of the Dental Assistant magazine. He works with Elamed Publishing.
Co-author of the book Vademecum Dental Assist Vademecum. He is not afraid of new challenges. He is full of empathy and is a great listener. Participant of the international Europerio Congress in London in 2015. Participant in the SDA training in Switzerland, finished with Masterclass of Prophylaxis. Member of the board of the Polish Academy of Dental Prevention.
Certificates and diplomas:
- Prophylaxix Master Class
- Curriculum for Dental Hygenist in accordance to the guidelines of the Polish Academy for Dental Prophylaxis
- Certyfikat udziału w I Kongresie Polskiej Akadamii Profilaktyki Stomatologicznej
- I Ogólnopolski Zjazd Higienistek i Asystentek Stomatologicznych
- Dni implantologii 2012
- Europerio - Certificate of participation
- 3 Kongres Unii Stomatologii Polskiej