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    We work with:


    MD Magdalena Zajczyk-Szweda

    MD Magdalena Zajczyk-Szweda

    MD Magdalena Zajczyk-Szweda

    A graduate of the Medical Academy in Gdansk. In 2015, she graduated with honors and received a Master’s Degree in Prosthodentics at the Medical University of Siena in Italy, recognized around the world. She extends its knowledge through numerous courses and trainings. Since 2006, she is a member of the Polish Endodontic Society.

    Passionate about modern endodontic treatment using dental microscope, aesthetic dentistry as well as prosthetics and implant prosthetics. At work she sets high goals for herself.

    MD Magdalena Zajczyk-Szweda

    Welcome to our Clinics!

    Contact form
    • Gdańsk Clinic

      ul. Kartuska 312,
      80-125 Gdańsk

      (+48) 58 691-71-47
      (+48) 501-155-036

    • Kowale Clinic

      ul. Andromedy 3,
      80-180 Kowale

      (+48) 58 691-71-47
      (+48) 501-155-036

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